Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Call for submissions - anti-war haiku and tanka about the war in Ukraine

Haiku poet and editor Dimitar Anakiev is seeking submissions for an anthology of anti-war haiku and tanka about the ongoing war in Ukraine.

From Dimitar's Facebook post:

I invite poets who wrote anti-war haiku (or tanka) on the topic of the war in Ukraine - including related forms (rensaku, haibun, tanka prose) by September 30, 2024 at the latest, to send their works to
bg.gendai@gmail.com (subject: Ukraine)
Russian tank calmly burns
in Ukraine.
       Dimitar Anakiev

According to Dimitar, this anthology is being created to help the Ukrainian people, rather than for commercial purposes. There are no payments to contributors, and no submission fees. Any money raised will go to "the people of Ukraine."

There are very few restrictions on submissions. Submit as many poems as you want; they can be published or unpublished. Poems should be sent to bg.gendai@gmail.com by 9/30/24.

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